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Terms & Conditions

Below are our full terms and conditions of service. For further information on gameplay rules, see Game Rules page.

Who we are

1.1 References in the Terms and Conditions to “us” “our” or “we” are references to Sweepmate Ltd, trading as ‘Sweepmate’.  

1.2 Sweepmate Ltd is a company registered in the United Kingdom (13781913) with its registered office located at 8 Copperkins Grove, Amersham, England, HP6 5QD.   

1.4 Notwithstanding our regulated status in Great Britain, we will not be   liable to you under these Terms and Conditions, and nor do we owe you a duty of care in respect of, our compliance or non-compliance with any regulatory obligations that we may be under from time to time including those relating to ‘safer gambling’ or ‘social responsibility’.

General Terms and Conditions and your Relationship with Sweepmate

2.1  By registering an account with us (see Section 4) and by selecting the “Accept terms’  and ‘create account” buttons when you register for such Account, you will enter into a legally binding agreement with us which is comprised of and includes:

  • these general terms and conditions (“General Terms and Conditions“);
  • the playing rules (“Playing Rules“); and
  • the specific terms and conditions that apply to any promotions that we may offer to new and existing customers from time to time (“Promotional Terms”).

2.2  The General Terms and Conditions, the Playing Rules, and the Promotional Terms are together referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”.

2.3 Please note that the General Terms and Conditions will take precedence in the event of any conflict between these General Terms and Conditions and those of the Playing Rules or Promotional Terms.

Changes to these Terms and Conditions 

3.1 We may make changes to these Terms and Conditions from time to time. For example, we may do this in order to comply with a change in applicable law or a change in our regulatory obligations, or to accommodate changes in the Services we offer or our business practices.

3.2 We will notify you of any material changes to these Terms and Conditions. Your continued use of the Services following such notification will be deemed binding acceptance of the changes. If any change is unacceptable to you, you should stop using the Services. It is your responsibility to review the Terms and Conditions and any amendments to them each time you use the Services.

Registering for and opening an Account

(including what happens if you open more than one Account)

4.1 To use our Services, you need to register and open an account with us (“Account”). You can open an Account by clicking the “Register” prompt on our mobile app or website. There are no set-up charges for opening an Account with us. When you open your Account, you will be asked to provide certain personal information, including (but not limited to) your first and last name, date of birth, mobile telephone number, and full residential address. Once you have entered this personal information, you will need to complete SMS verification via the mobile telephone number provided; you will be asked to input on the Sweepmate app the verification code which has been sent to you via SMS (“SMS Verification”). You may need to complete SMS Verification periodically in order to access your Account (see Section 8.1) you must ensure that the details you provide at registration are accurate and are kept up to date. You can change some of your details at any time by editing your Account preferences using the facility provided on our app. For further information about our collection and use of your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Cookies Notice (see Section 5 below).

4.2 In order to open an Account with us, you must fulfil our eligibility criteria and pass our anti-money laundering and verification checks (the “Requirements”) as described in Section 6 (Eligibility) and Section 7 (Verification) below. You must at all times continue to satisfy the Requirements, while you have an active Account with us. 

4.3 In order for you to open an Account with us, you also agree you are not currently subject to a self-exclusion from any betting platforms and you have not signed up to a national self-exclusion register (such as GAMSTOP). 

4.4 You can only register 1 (one) Account with us. If you open more than one Account, each such additional Account will be classified as a “Duplicate Account”. If we discover that you hold one or more Duplicate Accounts, we reserve the right (in respect of each Duplicate Account):

4.4.1 to close the Duplicate Account, leaving you with only the original Account (unless we have reason – for example if you have deliberately or fraudulently opened more than one active Account – to close all of your Accounts (i.e. including the original Account)) and to treat all entry costs or trades, and all winnings or proceeds accrued from such entries or trades, obtained using the Duplicate Account as void;

4.4.2 to void all future activity made on the Duplicate Account; and

4.4.3 to retain the positive balance and retain any fees from trades already made on the Duplicate Account; and

4.4.4 to retain the competition entry cost, so as not to negatively affect game jackpots.

4.5 You must provide us with accurate information in relation to your Account. It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to your personal details which may impact on the use of your Account (e.g. a change of address or new bank card details). If any of these details change, please notify us using the facility provided through the app. 

4.6 We are entitled to refuse to open an Account for any reason, including failure to meet the Requirements. Unless we’re entitled to withhold funds under these Terms and Conditions, we will refund any sum provided on deposit in respect of the failed Account registration by the method of payment you used to make the relevant deposit and, if any trades have been made, we reserve the right to void all such trades.

4.7 Any trades made via your Account must be for your own benefit and not for the benefit of any third party.

Privacy and Cookies

5.1 We process information about you in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Cookies Notice. Our Privacy Policy and Cookies Notice forms part of these Terms and Conditions and contains information about the types of information we collect from and about you, and what we do with that information, including who it may be shared with and why.


6.1 To use the Services, you will need to register and open an account (“Account“) with us. In order to register an Account, you promise and confirm to us that:

6.1.1 you are at least 18 years of age; 

6.1.2 you are a resident of the United Kingdom;

6.1.3 you are not located in a country where the use of the Services is prohibited; 

6.1.4 you are of sound mind and capable of taking responsibility for your own actions and you can enter into a legally binding agreement with us;

6.1.5 you will provide accurate registration information, including without limitation your correct date of birth and your country of residence, together with valid identification proving the same, your country of residence and personal telephone number. You further agree to promptly inform us of any changes in such details;

6.1.6 you are opening an Account solely for your own personal use, and you are not acting and will never act on behalf of any third party in connection with your Account;

6.1.7 you are not an undischarged bankrupt or in a voluntary arrangement with your creditors;

6.1.8 you will not attempt to sell or otherwise transfer the benefit of your Account to any third party and nor will you acquire or attempt to acquire an Account which has been opened in the name of a third party;

6.1.10 you are not currently subject to a self-exclusion from any betting platforms and you have not signed up to a national self-exclusion register (such as GAMSTOP);

6.1.11 you accept that by using the Services, there is a risk that you may lose money; and

6.1.12 you will, following a request from us (which may be made at any time before or after you open an Account), promptly provide any documentation or information which we request in order to evidence your identity, age, address, country of birth or authorisation to use a particular credit or debit card (and you agree that we may perform checks in order to verify any such documentation or information).


7.1 The following information must be provided during the Account registration process:

  • valid mobile number;
  • date of birth;
  • first and last name; 
  • and full residential address.

7.2 We will verify your age in line with our legal requirements in your territory and we may ask for proof of age and/or address from you (and we may suspend or restrict your Account until you provide such evidence). You will not be permitted to play until we have verified your name, address and date of birth. If we discover (after you have successfully registered and opened an Account) that you are under 18 years of age, your net losses incurred during the period you were underage will be returned to you, any current activities will be voided, and we may make a report to the relevant regulatory or law enforcement authorities.

7.3 As noted above, you must enter all mandatory information requested into your registration form, all of which must be true, complete and correct. You authorise us to carry out identification, credit and other verification checks that we may require and/or are required by applicable laws and regulations and/or by the relevant regulatory authorities. You agree to provide all requested information in connection with these verification checks.

7.4 We’ll try and conduct our verification processes electronically where possible, 

7.5 We may ask that you provide personal details and/or documentation relating to your financial circumstances. Documents of interest may include:

  • Proof of earnings e.g., payslips
  • A bank statement/savings account that clearly shows consistent incoming values from an identifiable source;
  • Dated proof of an award/payment made to you;
  • Other clear evidence in relation to your activity with us

7.6 You agree to provide all such information as we reasonably require, in the form that we require it, from you from time-to-time. If you do not or cannot provide us with the information that we need, we are entitled to restrict your Account in any manner that we reasonably deem appropriate, including preventing you from accessing the Services, completing any trades, or from withdrawing your funds. Your Account may also ultimately be suspended or permanently closed in accordance with clause 17.

7.7 You accept that all transactions may be checked to prevent money laundering and that any transactions made by you which we deem to be suspicious may be reported to the appropriate authorities.

7.8 When deciding whether to accept your application for an Account, we may supply the information you have given us to authorised third parties to confirm your age, identity and registered payment details. They will check any details we disclose to them against any databases (public or private) to which they have access and will keep a record of that check.

7.9 Your session may be timed out as a result of a period of inactivity on your Account. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility not to leave your session unattended/inactive.

7.10 We will process the personal information which you provide in connection with your registration in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Access to the Your Account

8.1 In accordance with Section 4.1, upon registration of your Account, you will need to complete SMS Verification. Upon registration, you may nominate biometric access as your preferred method of access. The verification nominated will form the basis to your access of your Account. 8.2 You may not under any circumstances allow any other person to use your Account. It is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality and security of your Account information and in particular to ensure that you do not provide SMS Verification codes to anyone else. We are entitled to assume that all activity that takes place on your Account when a code generated following SMS Verification has been entered correctly on the app is valid and has been undertaken by you, whether or not such activity has in fact been undertaken by you. We shall not be liable for any claims in the event that you disclose an SMS Verification code to anyone else or where your negligence or deliberate act has contributed to such third party access to your Account.

8.3 If young persons are sharing or have access to your devices, we recommend that you install parental control software.

8.4 You must notify us of any unauthorised use of your Account as soon as you suspect it or otherwise become aware of it.

8.5 If you have any difficulties accessing your account please contact and (subject to passing security and verification checks) we will reset your Account for you.

Customer Account Information

8.6  current Wallet balance on all screens where transaction - including buying/selling of teams - takes place. You can also easily view a minimum of twelve months of the following historic information in your Wallet screen:

8.6.1 Player-initiated credit and debit information, including wallet deposits andwithdrawals; net lifetime transactions; game entry transactions.

8.6.2 Automated credit and debit information, including transaction and otherSweepmate fees and deductions; issue of jackpot winnings; other promotional or

prize related credits

8.7 You can view trading transaction information, including sale/purchase prices: Sweepmate fees. Customers can toggle between different periods of their  transaction history, as well as toggle between In/Out transactions.Hard copies of historic transaction data can be requested via our support form.

8.8 YourSweepmate Wallet will be applicable across all Sweepmate games played by you, under current version of app.

8.9 Customers can see a net total of their lifetime transactions  across all games played for the selected time periods in their Wallet screen.

Responsible Product Design

9.1 Customers are only allowed one Sweepstake account. We will use Paydentity know your customer (KYC)

services to prevent customers opening multiple accounts and we will suspend and potentially exclude any customers found to have opened multiple accounts, as per our document.

9.3 Where customers choose to have team(s) randomly assigned, the Spin Again function allows customers to pay (currently £5) to discard their randomly assigned team(s) and be issued with a new set of randomly assigned team(s). Customers are not actively encouraged to choose this option.

9.4 Sweepstake pool - Customers are only allowed one entry per competition/event. The stake (currently £15) that a customer commits per competition/event is fixed and standard across all players and so the maximum that a player can contribute to the pool is £15.

9.5 Trading - customers who wish to trade teams may deposit additional funds into their Wallet. On the first instance of depositing to their Wallet, customers are prompted to actively choose their deposit limit - which includes, but is not set as default to, a ‘no limit’ option - and limit duration. The deposit limit can be opted into at any point. 

9.6 Customers cannot trade in excess of their wallet balance. Automatic deposits/top-up are not available in Sweepmate and customers are required in all instances to actively choose to deposit further funds 

9.7 Sweepmate does not actively encourage depositing of funds or in any way prioritise cash deposits over other ways of funding trades (such as selling existing teams to gain credit).

9.8 Customers are able to withdraw their Wallet balance, in part or in whole, at any time. The withdraw function is displayed prominently in the Wallet screen, 

9.9 You will be required to provide bank details for the account you nominate to receive withdrawn funds, upon making your first withdrawal request. In doing so, you promise that you are authorised to make such a nomination. Unless otherwise notified, this will remain your nominated withdrawal receipt account. 

9.10 We commit to facilitating smooth withdrawal without any unreasonable impediments.. 9.11 Once a withdrawal request is made,the equivalent balance is immediately debited from their Wallet and cannot be reversed or directly recredited. Requests by a customer to cancel withdrawal requests will be

refused, with reference to this policy and our obligations as a responsible operator.

Deposits, Protection of Funds and Withdrawals


9.9 To trade (i.e. buy or sell) teams via the Services, you may need to deposit funds. See Game Rules for more details on how to trade teams.

10.0 The methods available for deposit of funds can be found once you are logged into your Account, and then by clicking on the “Deposit” button found in your Wallet screen.

10.1 You will not be able to complete a trade if you have insufficient funds in your Wallet.


10.2 Funds may be withdrawn by you from your Account at any time provided that:

10.2.1All payments made into your Account have been confirmed as cleared and have not been charged-back, reversed or otherwise cancelled;

10.2.2  We have completed any verification checks to our reasonable satisfaction (see clause [ 7 ]). Where we have requested information from you to carry out these checks, any delay in providing this information may cause delay when withdrawing funds; and

10.2.3 there is currently no ongoing, or completed, investigation:

  1. into suspicious or irregular activity patterns and/or possible instances of event manipulation and/or cheating (see clause 12);
  2. into money-laundering or the financing of terrorism, including where we suspect that you have been using the proceeds of crime to gamble with us;
  3. into an Error, Malfunction or Interruption involving any aspect of the Services which you have played or participated in (see clause 10); or
  4. where we have reasonable grounds to believe you may have engaged in an illegal activity or Prohibited Activity (as defined in clause 11) which would entitle us to withhold funds in accordance with clause 13, and in these cases you acknowledge and understand that, as we made clear in the “Important Note” at the beginning of these General Terms, we ultimately have the right (depending on the particular circumstances) to void any affected transactions, withhold attributable winnings and (in the case of illegal and Prohibited Activities) suspend/close your Account with us, and make appropriate disclosures to the police and other relevant authorities.

Protection of Funds

10.3 Funds held for all active customers participating in active Pooled events are deposited with financial institutions and held separately from the company’s other operating bank accounts. This is to ensure, even in the highly unlikely event of our insolvency that deposits are always available for them to withdraw their balances once a pooled (or stage of a pooled) event has concluded. To achieve this separation customer funds are held in a separate account for this purpose and will not be subject to any bank set off or counterclaims in respect of any company bank liabilities. This means that steps have been taken to protect customer funds but that there is no absolute guarantee that all funds will be repaid. These accounts are proactively monitored and reconciled by the Finance department and can be audited by independent internal and external audit teams, as deemed appropriate.


10.4 This separate or “Pooled” account is maintained by Metro Bank PLC. which is a UK authorised Bank regulated by Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority.

Malfunctions, Errors and Interruptions

11.1  we cannot guarantee that the Services will at all times perform correctly. Various kinds of mistakes and errors can occur – technical, human and otherwise – and you understand and agree that we can only provide the Services to you, and you must accept them, in the condition that we make them available from time to time.

Customers should be aware however that these Sections do not override or cancel out any rights that you may have under consumer laws and regulations, and we do not intend that they should.

11.2 Below are some key definitions to help you understand this Section:

A “malfunction” refers to where an automated process fails to operate as designed or intended, for example where a piece of computer software produces a deviation from its intended performance specifications or parameters, or where two pieces of software fail to interface or communicate with each other in the manner intended or designed, in either case so as to produce a result which is not the result that was intended or designed. These malfunctions may or may not be apparent to us or to you and they may only come to light as and when settlement instructions or winnings are investigated and analysed retrospectively.

An “Error” refers to a mistake or error that is not exclusively technical, for example the  offer of an incorrect price or terms for participation in a promotion or gambling opportunity. Errors can arise from human mistakes, administrative, operational, or systems failures and combinations of all of these. 

An “Interruption” refers to an interruption in a gambling transaction for any reason, for example an interruption caused by the failure of the internet or connectivity, or severe latency in communications, or technical failure due to some disaster or unforeseen event.

11.3 Where any of the above occur, we will deal with them as described below and it is important that you understand and agree to the following before you use the Services, as we made clear in the ‘Important Note’ at the top of these General Terms and Conditions:

Malfunctions continued

11.4 If as a result of a Malfunction, your Account is credited with winnings that you would not have received were it not for that Malfunction, we will have the right to void the relevant transaction and withhold the relevant winnings. This applies even if the product could have produced the same or similar amount of winnings without the intervention of the Malfunction and it applies whether the Malfunction was apparent to you or to us or not. If you have withdrawn any such winnings, you agree that you will pay them back to us as and when we ask you to.

11.5 Where any Malfunction is or becomes apparent or obvious to you or you suspect that a Malfunction may be occurring, you agree that you will cease your use of the Service immediately and will report it to our Customer Services Team immediately via the support form on our webpage or by emailing

Interrupted Gambling

11.6 Where individual peer-to-peer trading is disrupted as a result of failures in our system, customers can notify us of the details of the disruption and any perceived losses incurred via our support page. 

11.7 Where it is demonstrated that a customer was significantly negatively affected, we may reimburse them accordingly. We will consider such events on a case-by-case basis. For example

  1. where a sale of a team was interrupted by system failure and upon systems being fixed that team has subsequently been eliminated from the competition, we may decide to honour the credit to the seller’s account, where evidence of the agreed transaction can be proven. 
  2. XXXX
  3. YYYY


11.8 In the event of an Error, the same applies as for Malfunctions, as set out above. 

11  Where any Error is or becomes apparent or obvious to you or you suspect that an Error may be occurring, you agree that you will cease Your use of Service immediately, and will report it to our Customer Services Team immediately.


11.1 Our priority is to ensure that we deal with Interruptions in a way that is fair and does not systematically disadvantage our customers. We reserve the right to suspend markets, void and return stakes to customers.

Financial Limits

12.0: Other than your initial stake, there is no obligation for customers to deposit any further funds.

12.1 Customers cannot complete transactions in excess of the funds available in their Wallet. Where they wish to complete a transaction in excess of their available funds, customers must either deposit further funds, or sell an in-game asset (e.g. team) to another player, wherein their Wallet will be credited with the funds from the sale (minus any applicable Sweepmate fees).

12.2 As a responsible operator, we offer customers the opportunity to set a deposit limit upon signing up for a new event. They will have the options to limit their deposits to:

- £20 per event

- £50 per event

- £100 per event

- No limit [this shall not be the default option]

Customers who choose a limit other than ‘no limit’ will have the additional option of deposit limit durations:

- 24 hours

- 7 days

- Calendar month

- Duration of this event

12.3 Deposit limits will need to be set for each event (i.e. discrete Sweepmate sporting or pop culture competition) that you enter.

12.4 As per traditional sweepstakes, your stake is non-refundable, non-withdrawable, and may be lost in whole or in part.

12.5 y trading teams, You accept that the nominal value of teams they buy may go down as well as up, and that you risk losing your capital as a result.

Availability and Use of the Services

12.2 We reserve the right to suspend, modify, remove and/or add products to the Services at our reasonable discretion on prior notice to you wherever possible, however some amendments to the Services may be required to be made with immediate effect and without notice.

12.3 You must not misuse the Services by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to: our applications; the servers on which our applications are stored; or any server computer or database connected to our mobile and tablet applications. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them.

12.4 You agree that you will not use the Services in any way other than for your personal use and for your own benefit. Any made through your Account that are not for your own benefit are forbidden unless agreed by us (in writing) in advance.

12.5 You agree not to give any indication that you have any commercial relationship with us or that you are our agent.

12.6 The information which we or third parties provide (including results, statistics and fixture lists) on our apps and Services is for your personal use only and the distribution or commercial exploitation of such information by you is strictly prohibited. We do not give any commitment or warranty in relation to the uninterrupted provision of such information, its accuracy or the results obtained through its use. No information which we or third parties provide on our apps and Services is intended to amount to advice or recommendations and is provided for information purposes only.

12.7 You are fully aware that there is a risk of losing money when using our Services and you are responsible for any such loss.

12.8 We do not guarantee which products will be available on our Services. The Services are provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis. Whilst we use reasonable efforts to ensure that our Services run smoothly, we cannot promise that the Services will be free from errors or omissions nor that they will be available uninterrupted and/or in a fully operating condition. We refer you to Section 10 above for more information about Errors, Interruptions and Malfunctions.

12.9 We receive news feeds, scores and other content from a number of third parties, which may carry terms and conditions governing their use. We do not accept any liability in respect of such content. Where the Services link to third party websites, content and resources this does not constitute an endorsement by us of that third party’s website or their products or services and we do not accept any liability in respect of your use of such sites.

13 When using the Services, you are gambling via an electronic form of communication and consequently you should be aware that:

13.0.1 You may be using a connection or equipment which is slower than such equipment used by others and this may affect your performance in time critical products (e.g. in-play teams, real-time data); and

13.0.2  You may encounter system flaws, faults, errors or service interruption caused by unexpected flaws, faults or errors in the software, hardware or networks used to provide the Services – we refer you to Section 10 above for more information about Errors, Interruptions and Malfunctions.

When “Sweeping” (Buying and selling assets)

13.1 You may only make a trade up to the value of the cleared funds in your Account. We do not offer any credit. 

13.2 It is your responsibility to ensure that the details of your trade are correct. Once a trade has been confirmed - i.e. by the buyer accepting the sale price - you may not cancel or change it without our consent. If you believe you have made a trade in error please contact our Customer Services Team via as soon as you are made aware of the error  and we will consider your request, although any decision will be at our reasonable discretion.

13.3 Trades completed on our mobile applications are not guaranteed unless you receive an on-screen confirmation from us and an in-app notification which is confirmation that the trade is completed. Further information on how to complete a trade is contained in the Game Rules but in any event a trade will only be valid where you receive confirmation from us of the details of the trade and that the trade has been completed.

Result Determination

13.4 Our game rules, including how result are determined and markets settled are covered clearly in the Game Rules and FAQ.

13.5 Sweepmate also strives to keep customers informed of upcoming game events related to settling of markets, via opt-in communication channels, as part of our commitment to engaging and enjoyable gameplay. These communications are intended for entertainment and information purposes only and are not to be considered Sweepmate taking any positions as ‘the house’ . We accept no responsibility for customer in-game actions as a result. For example, we may use the community communication channels to remind those opted-in of an upcoming playoff match, where the fourth-place jackpot market will be decided but we do not expect customers to rely solely on Sweepmate communications for this information.

Refusing Your Trade(s)

13.6 We reserve the right to refuse all or any part of a trade. 

13.7 In the event of a warning being received by us in relation to irregular trading patterns and possible instances of event manipulation, we reserve the right, at our reasonable discretion, to:

13.7.1 suspend our offering on any event or series of events in any of our markets; and

13.7.2delay and/or withhold payment on any event or series of events until the integrity of such event or series of events has been confirmed by the relevant sports federation via IBIA (where applicable); or by us using our reasonable discretion.

Displaying Transactions

14.0 You agree tocommit a ‘stake’ to a communal pool, which is split into three jackpots, to be won by players.

14.1 Trading of teams is a peer-to-peer transaction of nominal ‘assets’ and not a bet against any particular outcome.

14.2 You are under no obligation to engage in trading. You may choose to retaink the teams with which you start the game, as per a traditional sweepstake.

14.3 You are aware that what proportion of your entry cost makes up the value of your 

sweepstake ‘stake’. This information is also available in the game rules and FAQ.

14.4 You are aware that, as per traditional sweepstakes, your stake is non-refundable, non-withdrawable, and may be lost in whole or in part.

14.5 The potential winnings - that is, the share of each sweepstake jackpot you stand to win as owner of a team - are clearly displayed in the app in all screens where trading can occur. Potential winnings are displayed in real-time.

14.6 Sellers and buyers (Sweepers) are wholly and equally responsible for agreeing the  price for transfer of a team and both parties will be clearly informed in-app of the total cost, including any Sweepmate fees, before a trade is completed.

14.7 By completing a trade (Sweep), both parties accept the displayed price.

14.7 Sweepmate does not set odds. Sweepmate does not use alternative currencies, tokens or chips.

14.8 Wherever players earn ‘points’ through in-game features such as competitive leagues and individual player (customer) rankings, these points have no tangible monetary value and cannot be exchanged for money or credit.

Prohibited Activities

15 You may only use the Services, including your Account, for lawful gambling in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. You may not engage in any activity which we define below as a “Prohibited Activity” and you acknowledge and understand that the consequences of you doing so, as we made clear in the ‘Important Note’ at the beginning of these General Terms and Conditions, may include the voiding of any relevant transactions, the withholding of any winnings, recouping any jackpot winnings, and the suspension and/or closure of your Account.

15.1 The following activities are prohibited:

15.1.1 any form of fraudulent or illegal activity, cheating, or any other activity prohibited under Section 16 below;

15.1.2 if the name registered on your Account does not match the name on the financial/bank account and/or the debit card(s) used to make deposits on that Account;

15.1.3 if you appear in our reasonable judgement to be depositing or withdrawing money or otherwise using the Services without genuine play;

15.1.4 if You are located in any territory or country in which the accidental or deliberate access or use of the Services is illegal or in jurisdictions from which we do not accept customers, including if you are using a VPN to disguise your location or to bypass any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Services;

15.1.5 if we have received a “charge back” and/or a “return” notification via a deposit mechanism used on your Account;

15.1.6 if you use the Services other than for your personal and recreational use;

15.1.7 if you provide incorrect or misleading information while registering for an Account (except where you provide any incorrect or misleading information in order to pass relevant age-verification checks, which situation will be dealt with as described in Section 9.2 above)

15.1.8 if you allow (whether intentionally or unintentionally) someone else to use your Account;

15.1.9 if you have deliberately or fraudulently opened or are using one or more Duplicate Account(s);

15.1.10. If you make or attempt to make a trade when your Account has insufficient cleared funds;

15.1.11If we become aware that you have played at any other online gambling site or services and, in connection with the same, are suspected of fraud, collusion (including in relation to charge-backs), cheating or unlawful or improper activity;

15.1.12  if we discover that you are deliberately or accidentally accessing the Services from the United Kingdom or in contravention of the laws of the country where you are located;

15.1.13  if you become bankrupt, if you do not make payment of a court judgement on time, if you make an arrangement with your creditors, or if any of your assets are the subject of any form of seizure or if analogous proceedings are brought in relation to you anywhere in the world;

15.1.14  if you engage in any abuse and/or harassment of our staff or other payers; or

15.1.15  if you seriously breach the Terms and Conditions in some other way.

Fraud and Cheating

16 We will not tolerate any form of fraudulent activity or cheating. 

16.1 We consider the following to be fraudulent activity or cheating:

16.1.1 Identity fraud;

16.1.2 Payment fraud;

16.1.3 Money laundering;

16.1.4 Third party funding;

16.2 We also consider the following in-game activities to be to be fraudulent activity:

16.2.1 Any attempt to unfairly influence the behaviour of other players, whether through misinformation or other means;

16.2.2 Any attempt to unfairly manipulate the tading market 

16.2.3 Collusion between players, in order to affect the outcome of any particular market resolution or trade transaction

16.3 Detection measures may include, detecting and investigating the following, where


16.3.1 Players who frequently trade between one another

16.3.2 Players from same address who trade teams

16.3.3 Suspicious patterns of play (such as large deposits)

16.3.4 Unusual gameplay statistics.

16.4 Customer complaints about cheating will be investigated. Records will be kept of investigations which result in an account being closed including:

16.4.1- Player details (name, location, contact details), scale of the offences (financial and number of players), time and date etc

16.5 The use of third party software to assist gameplay is not expressly forbidden and its use is therefore not necessarily considered cheating except where its use contravenes other clauses in these Terms and Conditions or Game Rules

16.5.1 As such, you should be aware that other players may be assisted by third party sortware, for example algorithms/bots to assist in trading.

16.5.2 If you use third party software to assist gameplay, you must be aware that other players may be able to exploit this, within the rules stated.

Suspension/Closure of Your Account by Us

17.1 If we have reasonable grounds to suspect that you have engaged in any Prohibited Activity, we may suspend your Account (including freezing both your stake, winnings, trades and trading proceeds) without notification, and your Account will remain suspended while the matter is investigated. You agree to cooperate fully with any such investigation. Your funds cannot be accessed or withdrawn during periods of suspension, and any balance will remain in the Account.

17.2 If our investigation results in our decision (acting reasonably) that the issue has been resolved to our satisfaction, we may lift the Account suspension. If our investigation results in our decision (acting reasonably) that you have engaged in any Prohibited Activity, we may restrict or permanently close your Account. In these circumstances, your details may be passed on to any applicable regulatory authority or any other relevant external third parties.

17.36 We may also from time to time be required by a competent authority to restrict, suspend or close Accounts for legal or regulatory reasons. Such restrictions, if applicable, may affect your use of your Account.

17.4 We reserve the right at our reasonable discretion, to close your Account and/or void any stakes where, based on the information relating to your activity, we have made the decision to no longer offer our Services to you. 

17.5 Any balance in your Account at the time of any closure by us will be paid back to you, except that

17.5.1 if you have engaged in illegal activity, we are under no obligation to refund to you any money that may be in your Account; and

17.5.2 If we discover or determine (acting reasonably) that you have participated in any Prohibited Activities then we may withhold all or part of the Account balance and/or recover from your Account deposits, stake, pay-outs, and/or any winnings or proceeds (if/as applicable) that are attributable to those Prohibited Activities.

17.5.3 You agree to compensate us for any costs, charges or losses sustained or incurred by us arising from any Prohibited Activities on your part.

Closing Your own Account

18 You have the right to close your Account at any time through the Sweepmate app. More information about how you can close your Account can be found on our help pages here.

18.1 You remain responsible for activities using your Account until it is closed. Confirmation of the Account closure will be provided in the app. Unless we are entitled to withhold funds under these Terms and Conditions, you need to withdraw the remaining funds before closing the Account or contact our customer service team to withdraw the funds. 

18.2 Any negative balance on your Account will fall immediately due and payable to us and your Account will be closed only when this amount has been fully repaid. If you have any unsettled stakes on your Account at the time of your Account closure, these stakes will stand (unless we’re entitled under these Terms and Conditions to cancel/void them) and you can contact us to collect any winnings arising from such standing stakes, which we will do unless we’re entitled under these Terms and Conditions to withhold all or part of such winnings.

Dormant Accounts

18.3 We will deem an account to be “dormant” after a period of 24 (twenty four) months of inactivity.

18.4 We will contact you prior to your Account being deemed dormant, and you may reactivate a Dormant Account at any time by logging into that Account.

18.5 Should your Account become dormant through lack of use, we will continue to contact you (where you have “opted-in”) with promotional messages until such time as you instruct us to stop. However, we will also contact all Account holders periodically to advise of any Account balance. Note we do not charge any Dormant account fees.

18.6 After a period of no less than 24 (twenty four) months of Account inactivity we reserve the right to reclassify any positive balance in the Dormant Account. We will provide notice via at least 30 (thirty) days before any such reclassification is made, except where these Terms and Conditions permit us to withhold payment.

18.7 Subject to Section 19.6, your right to the Dormant Account balance will remain unaffected by such reclassification and, if and then you contact us seeking a refund of such balance, we shall process such refund unless we’re entitled to withhold any or all of such balance under these Terms and Conditions and subject to our legal and regulatory obligations.  

18.8 Please note, your Account will be deleted following the time period of 7 (seven) years of consecutive inactivity. Upon deletion of your Account, we will no longer retain your personal details and as such we are unable to continue to offer a Dormant Account balance refund.

Events outside our control

19.1 We are not responsible for any events beyond our reasonable control. Such events might include network failures, malfunctions to our systems or third party systems, war, terrorist activity, riots, malicious damage, fire, flood, storm, nuclear accident or compliance with any new law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction.

19.2 We may also suspend or cancel the Services or any part of the Services if, despite making reasonable efforts to do so, we are not able to provide that part of the Service to you as a result of events beyond our reasonable control.

Limitations and Exclusions of Our Liability

20.1 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to, or will, exclude or limit our liability for:

20.1.2 fraud or for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence;

20.1.3 breach of your statutory rights as a consumer, or

20.1.4 any other liability which we may not limit or exclude under applicable law.

For more information about your statutory rights, you can contact your local consumer protection organisation, such as the Citizens Advice Bureau  ( if you are located in the UK.

20.1.5 We will not be liable to you under these Terms and Conditions,  nor do we owe you a duty of care in respect of, our compliance or non-compliance with any regulatory obligations that we may be under from time to time including those relating to so-called ‘safer gambling’ or ‘social responsibility’.

20.1.6 Subject always to Section 24.1 above and save in respect of any winnings due to you in accordance with these Terms and Conditions (noting in particular our right to cancel/void winnings in the event of Errors, Malfunctions or Interruptions (see Section 10 above), and our right to withhold funds in certain circumstances including under Section 11.1 above), our maximum liability to you under these Terms and Conditions in relation to any one incident or series of related incidents is limited to the greater of:

20.1.7 where such liability relates to a specific trade, the amount of the applicable stake made by you; or

20.1.8 Subject always to Sections 24.1 and 24.2 above, we will not be liable under these Terms and Conditions for any loss that could not have been reasonably expected by you and us at the time you register for an Account or at the time you enter into a transaction for Services (such as any loss of income, business or profits or any information which is lost or corrupted) or for any other damage or loss which are deemed or alleged to have arisen out of or in connection with your use of the Services. In particular, we will not be liable for any damage or loss suffered or incurred by you as a result of:

20.1.9 any use by you of our Services in breach of these Terms and Conditions (including any Prohibited Activity on your part);

20.2 failures caused by the equipment you use to access our mobile and tablet applications or failures in any network (including failures by your internet service provider);

20.2.1 any incomplete, lost or delayed transactions (including as a result of technical failure);

20.2.2 damage to your equipment (e.g. smartphone, tablet or other internet-enabled device) or for any loss or corruption of data that results from your use of our mobile and tablet applications (and we cannot and do not guarantee that any files that you download are free from viruses, contamination or destructive features) except that if any defective digital content that we have supplied to you damages a device or digital content belonging to you and this is caused by our failure to use reasonable care and skill, we will either repair the damage or pay you compensation;

20.2.3 the accuracy, completeness or currency of any information services provided by us or third parties (including but not limited to prices, times, results, live scores or general statistics) or any other Error, Malfunction or Interruption as set out in Section 11 above;

20.2.4 any event outside our control as set out in Section 20 above; or

20.2.5 our closure or suspension of your Account in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

20.2.6 Without limiting any other rights or remedies available to us, we may at any time set off any positive balance in your Account (or any Duplicate Account) against any amount owed to us by you. You agree that any Account balance may be used to reimburse any costs incurred as a result of any Prohibited Activity/ies on your part, such as chargebacks on Duplicate Accounts or the reimbursement of funds back to the jackpot pools or customer(s) who were colluded against by you.

Intellectual Property

21.1 All intellectual property rights in our websites and apps and all material and/or content made available on the Services (including but not limited to rights in the products and services offered, all code, software, animations, graphics, music, sound, photographs, video content or text, and the selection and arrangement thereof) or otherwise by us shall remain at all times our property or the property of our third party licensors.

21.2 The names, images and logos identifying us, our partners or third parties and our/their products and services contained in our websites and mobile and tablet applications are proprietary marks and may not be reproduced or otherwise used without express permission.

21.3 Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed as conferring by implication any licence or right to use any trademark, patent, design right or copyright that belongs to us or any third party.

Promotions and offers

22.1 From time to time we offer promotions and offers to new and existing customers. As noted above, such promotions and offers will be subject to their own Promotional Terms.

22.2 In the event of any conflict between the General Terms and Conditions and the Promotional Terms, the Promotional Terms will prevail.

22.3 All promotions and offers are limited to one per person.

22.4 We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions of or withdraw any promotion or offer at any time at our reasonable discretion on prior notice to you wherever possible, however the promotion may be amended or withdrawn without notice, temporarily or permanently, if reasonably necessary to do so. 

Contacting Us

23 If you need to contact us, email 

Other important terms

24 If we need to notify you under these Terms and Conditions, we will do so by SMS to the phone number registered to your Account or via notification on our apps.

24.1 We may wish to assign, transfer, charge or otherwise deal with our rights and/or obligations under these Terms and Conditions. You agree that we are free to do so provided that this will not prejudice your rights under these Terms and Conditions. Without limiting the preceding sentence, we may wish to transfer our rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions to another company within our corporate group or any other legal entity, including if we restructure or there is a sale of our business. You agree that we may do so provided that in the case of such a transfer, after we notify you of the date on which such transfer takes place, your rights under these Terms and Conditions will be against the new legal entity. As set out in Section 18.1, you may close your Account with us at any time.

24.2 These Terms and Conditions are personal to you. You may not transfer your rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions to anyone else.

24.3 If You breach these Terms and Conditions and we take no action against you, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these Terms and Conditions.

24.4 If any part of these Terms and Conditions is disallowed or found to be ineffective by any court or regulator, the other provisions shall continue to apply.

24.5 These Terms and Conditions are not intended to give rights to anyone except you and us. This does not affect our rights under Section 25.2

24.6 These Terms and Conditions are only available in the English language.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

25.1 These Terms and Conditions are governed by and will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

25.2 Disputes arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales unless (if different) you choose another jurisdiction in the United Kingdom.

Complaints and Player Dispute Resolution

26.1 If a dispute arises in relation to a trade made, our transactions database will be the ultimate authority in such dispute.

26.2 If you have any cause to complain about anything that has happened as a consequence of your dealings with us, you should notify us by contacting where we will process your complaint. If You are unhappy with our decision you can choose to escalate your complaint to our dedicated Complaints team. We will deal with your complaint as quickly as we reasonably can and shall, as necessary, request appropriate evidence from you for the purposes of settling your complaint. Our Complaints team will investigate any complaint or concern and issue a final response within 8 (eight) weeks. 

26.3 "Decisions of our Complaints Team shall be final. This does not affect your rights to seek redress through the court system.

Data Sharing

27.1 By connecting with other customers using the Sweepmate, including by using the app, completing trades or taking part in in-game features such as leagues and promotions, you agree that certain data may be shared with other players, including:

27.1.1 Username

27.1.2 Betting and trading history

27.2 By joiningthe Sweepmate Community, including via our Whatsapp or Discord channels, or other social media platforms, you agree that other players may be able to view personal data including your

27.2.1 Name

27.2.2 Phone number

27.2.3 Social media usernames/handles/accounts

27.3 We may share certain of your data, for the purposes of promotions, marketing and Community communications, including your

27.3.1 Username;

27.3.2 Betting and trading activity;

27.3.3 public communications, including social media posts

27.4 We will share such data as mentioned above in a responsible and sensitive manner and in line with GDPR (or other applicable territorial) standards.

Use of third -party software

28.1 The use of third party software to assist gameplay is not expressly forbidden and its use is therefore not necessarily considered cheating except where its use contravenes other clauses in these Terms and Conditions or Game Rules

28.2 As such, you should be aware that other players may be assisted by third party sortware, for example algorithms/bots to assist in trading.

28.3 If you use third party software to assist gameplay, you must be aware that other players may be able to exploit this, within the rules stated.

In Play Activity

29.1 Sweepmate does not operate in-play betting. 

29.2 Peer-to-peer trading (Sweeping), is not a bet  against any particular

outcome but values of teams and player behaviour may be influenced by in-play events, among other factors. 29.3 LiveTV, radio or streaming broadcasts may have varying delays and as such, you should not rely solely on these or any information or data provided by us  when making decisions around betting or trading activities.


30.6 By entering any promotion or competition, you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions, as well as any specific terms and conditions relating to the relevant promotion.

30.7 Any disputes relating to promotions or competitions will be resolved in accordance with the Sweepmate Dispute Resolution Policy, see above.

30.8 Sweepmate accepts no responsibility whatsoever for system or connection problems that might affect any end user during any of these promotions.