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Full Game Rules

Below is a summary of the Game Rules that govern all Sweepmate competitions. Event-specific rules and stipulations for individual competitions may vary, according to the format of the event - in which case, please refer to the Event Rules for that specific event.

Glossary of Terms

Competition: the discrete tournament or event alongside which players are playing the game. E.g. 2024 UEFA European Football Championship

Entry Cost: the price paid to pick a plan.

Stake: an individual player’s Entry Cost, minus Sweepmate fees.

Sweep: the act of buying / selling a team.

Team: an entity taking part in the tournament or event. May include individuals or collections of individuals, depending on the event.

Winning Team: a team which is owned and in-play when they finish either first, fourth or last.

Entry and subscription


Pick a Plan

Before playing the competition, players pick a plan, and therefore how they select the three teams they start the game with. Plans are: 

£15 for Classic Sweep: 2 teams randomly assigned, 1 team self-selected by player

£20 for Special Sweep: 1 team randomly assigned, 2 teams self-selected by player

£30 for Clean Sweep: 3 teams self-selected by player.


Entry Cost

All players pay £15 to enter the competition. This is their entry cost. If players choose the Special Sweep or Clean Sweep plan, any costs above and beyond the entry cost do not contribute to the pool and are retained by Sweepmate.



A player’s stake is equal to their entry cost, minus Sweepmate fees. Players’ stakes are added to the Game Total (see below). The sum of all players’ stakes makes up the jackpots to be won. As with a traditional sweepstake, players cannot withdraw their Stake after entry. 


Jackpots and Winnings

Game Total / Pool

The Game Total (aka the Pool) is equal to the sum of all game entries per competition, minus 10% fee taken by Sweepmate (see below, Sweepmate Fees).

This includes pre-kickoff and post-kickoff sign-ups.


Spin Again

Funds from players choosing to use the Spin Again function will not be added to the Game Total and therefore will not affect the jackpots. All proceeds from Spin Again will go to Sweepmate.


What are the Jackpots?


There are three Jackpots to be won. 

Jackpot for first place is equal to 50% of the Game Total. 

Jackpot for last place is equal to 30% of the Game Total. 

Jackpot for fourth place is equal to 20% of the Game Total. 



Jackpots will be shared equally between all in-play teams, when that team comes first, fourth or last in the competition.


Players will win an equal share of the Jackpot for each Winning Team they own 


Post-Kickoff Signups 

Players can begin playing after the tournament has begun, for £15 entry. However, they will start without any teams. Entry fees from post-kickoff signups will be added to the Game Total (minus the 10% levy). Players who sign up post-kickoff will need to purchase teams in the market place. 


Assigning and Choosing Teams

Number of Teams

All players who sign up before the pre-kickoff deadline will start the game with three teams in-play. Depending on the plan they choose, one, two or three of these teams will be chosen by the player and their remaining (i.e. either two, one or zero) teams will be assigned using Sweepmate’s Team Selector.


Assigned Teams

Players who choose Classic or Sweepstake plans, will be assigned one (Classic) or two (Sweepstake) discrete teams using Sweepmate’s internal random generator. The generator will not assign duplicate teams, as according to the Rules, players cannot start the game owning any team more than once.


A random generator cannot generate truly random results. For more information see 


Spin Again

Players who have chosen to have either one or two teams assigned will have the option to ‘Spin Again’ once their teams have been assigned, for a cost of £5. Spin Again will then replace the assigned teams with another set of teams from the random generator. Players can Spin Again until they are satisfied with their assigned team.


Choosing Teams

Players are randomly assigned teams first and then subsequently self-select a team unless they have picked the Clean Sweep plan. 


Players who pick the Clean Sweep plan will self-select three teams.


Duplicate Teams

Players cannot start the game owning any team more than once, simultaneously.


Team Portfolios

Team Ownership

A player owns a team when they have either i) been assigned or self-selected that team as part of their pre-kickoff plan; or ii) bought that team from another player.


Pre-kickoff, a player cannot own a team more than once, simultaneously. Once the competition has kicked off, players may own teams more than once simultaneously.


Players can own up to three in-play teams, plus one Bench team at any given time. 


Players can own as few as zero teams at any given time. 


Elimination of Teams

If a player owns a team at the point which that team is eliminated from the competition, the space that team was occupying becomes free. 


When a team is eliminated, players are free to continue playing and fill that spot by buying another team in the Sweeping marketplace. It is not possible to buy or sell a team which has been eliminated.


Home Dashboard

A player’s Home dashboard shows the teams they currently own, along with the jackpots on offer and their teams’ potential winnings for each jackpot, in real time. 


In-play Teams

Players can own a maximum of 3 in-play teams at any time. Bench teams are not in-play (see below). Only in-play teams are eligible to win a share of a jackpot. 


Calculations of potential winning only take into account in-play teams, at any given time. The number of in-play owners is displayed in the Rankings screen in real-time.


Teams that are not in-play when a jackpot market is resolved will not win a share of that jackpot.


Bench Teams

To facilitate active trading, each player has a fourth ‘Bench’ slot, in addition to their three in-play teams. If a player already owns three teams, they may buy an additional fourth team, which is automatically added to their Bench. 


This Bench team is not in-play and only becomes in-play once a space is freed by an in-play team being either sold or eliminated from the competition.


Bench teams may be bought or sold to other players while on the Bench. A team does not have to be in-play to be bought/sold. 



Sweeping of Teams

‘Sweeping’ refers to the act of buying or selling a team to another player. 


Sweeping can only be completed via the in-app function. Informal agreements or exchanges for non-monetary items or services are not valid.


Swapping Teams

Direct swaps of teams is not currently permitted. Players can agree to sweep more than one team with each other but all such sweeps must be completed as separate transactions.


Selling a Team

A player may sell a team to another player at any point during the competition, providing that team has not already been eliminated from the competition.


Teams may be sold via either a public sale, or a private sale.


A team cannot be listed for more than 100% of its maximum real-time potential winnings. 


Buying a Team

A player may buy a team from another player at any point during the competition, providing they have a space among their in-play or Bench spaces to own that team.


If a player, when buying a team already has three teams in-play, the team they buy will automatically be added to their Bench but will not be in-play.


Public Sweep

A player may create a public listing in the global marketplace for the sale of any team they own. Other users will be able to see the listing, including the seller’s price.


Players can browse and search for available teams in the Sweeping screen. 


The price of a team is set by the seller. The sweep is completed and is binding when the buyer completes the transaction.


Private Sweep

Players may also sell a team to another player without listing the team in the public marketplace, via a private sale.


The selling player creates a private listing, including the agreed sale price. This is then sent to the prospective buyer, via a private link. Whilst the transaction is private, the particulars of of the sweep (e.g. price, date, time of sweep) will be publicly obtainable.


The price of a team is set by the seller. The sweep is completed and is binding when the buyer completes the transaction.


Sale Prices

Players are encouraged to communicate with other players via the Sweepmate Community functions (Discord and Whatsapp). 


Players can use public or private communications to discuss, negotiate and agree Sweep prices.  Players must not engage in sweeping activities that aim to unfairly sitort market prices, or which otherwise amount to cheating or collusion. (see T&C 16.2 for more information on collusion)


A team cannot be listed - whether in public or private - for more than 100% of its maximum real-time potential winnings. 



For any disputes, players should contact See our full T&C for more information on disputes.


Home Dashboard

Players can see which of their teams are currently listed for sale in their Home dashboard screen.


Sweepmate Fees

Sweepmate take 10% fee of the Gross Total. The jackpots displayed in-app reflect the Game Total / Pool, which is available to be won by players. 


Sweepmate takes 10% transaction fee on all trades completed. This fee is calculated and displayed to sellers before a sweep is completed. By completing a sweep, the seller accept the fee.


Sweepmate may also take fees for additional in-game features (e.g. Spin Again).


Resolving Markets

Resolving first, fourth and last markets will vary between events, according to the format of the event. We will publish event-specific rules and tie-break rules for each event. Below is an example of how markets are resolved for football events.


First Place

For football tournaments, first place is decided by the team who wins in the Final. 


Last Place

Football tournaments where two or more teams are even on points, the last-place market will be decided by (and in this order)


  1. goal difference, with lowest value goal difference winning

And if still a tie then (and in this order)

  1. fewest amount of goals scored in group stage; then
  2. number of yellow cards received in group stage, with highest number winning; then
  3. number of red cards


If still even, then the pool will be split.


Fourth Place

Where applicable, the fourth-place market will be determined by the 3rd/4th place playoff match.


Where there is no such playoff, Fourth place goes to the team who performed worst in their respective semi-final. This is determined by:


  1. goal difference, with lowest value goal difference winning

And if still a tie then (and in this order)

  1. fewest number of goals scored in semi-final (including shootout penalties); then
  2. number of yellow cards received in semi-final, with highest number winning; then
  3. number of red cards in semi-final


If still even, then the Jackpot will be split.


Payment of Winnings

Winners of the first placed pot will receive their winnings to their Wallet within 1 hour of the final concluding.


Winners of the last placed pot will receive their winnings to their Wallet within 1 hour of the last round of group games concluding. 


Winners of the 4th placed pot will receive their winnings within 1 hour of both semi-finals concluding.